Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nike SB - Pusheads

.....OMG just LOOK at the design of that box! The Pusheads were released by Nike SB in December of 2005. The shoe was inspired by the artwork of Pushead or Brian Schroeder who's artwork appeared on the records of several famous rock bands.

These shoes are definitely on my Top 5 shoes list. The box is beautiful, the shoe is beautiful, and the art of Schroeder is also beautiful!

When these shoes were first released the retail price was unbelievably cheap...$65. Compared to today these shoes go for over $300! Oh boy I would've made a FORTUNE!

What I mostly like about these shoes is the color and designs that are on it. It puts me into a trance everytime i look at it. The shoe is just a great shoe overall.

My personal rating for the Pusheads

Color - 9.5 / Definitely one of the sickest colorways in all of SHOE HISTORY! The red contrasts perfectly with the black.

Design - 9.5 / Beautiful design. Lots of swirls and trance-inducing blotches.

Originality - 8 / Not too original because a lot of SB's have been inspired by artists.

Material - 9 / The leather on this shoe is very nice. The rest of the shoe feels very genuine and sturdy.

Overall - 9 = A must GET!

If you feel like buying these shoes i suggest you get them either of Ebay or Issforums, anywhere else you'll be paying a fortune.

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